Happy Birthday, Richard!
Thanks to a little help from my sister, Renee (who kindly mailed it to us from Colorado), we were able to give Big Richard something he really wanted for his birthday, which was back on January 29.
Here he is opening the box... Hmmm, aren't you curious what it is? After all, what could the man who has everything possibly want for his birthday??
Yay! It's a Kentucky-blue, as-seen-on-tv, Snuggie! Woo hoo!
I feel Caroline's outfit from that day warrants its own picture. Isn't it something? She had spent the day at Muffin's house, which (as I've mentioned before) is full of things little girls love, like costumes. Caroline wore the whole ensemble - mermaid costume, headband with veil & earrings - all day and evening, and loved every minute of it. (Don't you wish you could be so unselfconscious?)