Pullem Family Page

The Pullem Family consists of Chris and Lisa, married in 2002, Jordana, born September 2003, and Caroline, born June 2005. This blog is a place for us to give family and friends a glimpse of what our life is like with 2 small girls... funny, messy, hectic, and wonderful!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Jordi's First Soccer Game

Jordi's YMCA soccer team played their first game yesterday - and won! It was just as you would imagine a co-ed, four-years-old-and-under soccer game would be, only with the added twist that the temperature dropped about 10-15 degrees while we were out there! Brrr!

Her team is Orange, and you can pick Jordi out in this picture by her pink shin guards. Their opponent this week was the Red team.

The boy pictured here with Jordi is easily the best player on the team at this point. No one keeps stats at these games, but I'm pretty sure he scored all but one of their goals! When I complimented his mom on his ability, she admitted that he has played before; maybe there's hope yet for the rest of them!

The traditional post-game demonstration of good sportsmanship: the "good game" hand slap!

Our next five Saturday afternoons are booked with more soccer games; look for more pictures next week!


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