Christmas Eve
This year, the week leading up to Christmas seemed extra hectic. But, at 4 pm Christas Eve when I arrived at church to drop Jordi off with the Youth Group so they could prepare for the 5 o'clock service, that all went away. I sat around and sipped my Doubleshot while they rehearsed and let the Christmas Spirit take over!
Jordi did a wonderful job as part of the "Heavenly Host." She took her role as an Angel quite seriously, and was very proud to be allowed to carry a lit candle! That's her cousin, Emily, in the picture, reading her part (it was also her job to blow first & ask questions later regarding that candle!)
I took this picture of Caroline after the service. Doesn't she look festive among the poinsettias?
Later that evening was the traditional Lewis Family Gathering. Here's a picture of Jordi sorting through all the presents under the tree and finally recognizing her name on one of them!
Caroline had fun, too, but was a bit overwhelmed by the whole process. Not to mention that it was getting past her bedtime!
Our annual picture of all the young Lewis Family cousins!
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